How to Turn Off Location History in Google Maps [ Step by Step ]


Google has become an important part of our daily life. If you are a smartphone user then you too must be using at least one of Google’s products. Do you know that Google tracks your activities? YouTube, on which you binge-watch videos also records your search history. Google also records the details of the products and other things that you search on the internet.

It then uses an algorithm to show relevant products to customers like you to increase the chances of product or service sales. In the same way, Google Maps record your location and tracks all the places you visit.

Google Maps are quite useful when you have to travel to remote places, it helps to find your destination quickly but the only drawback is that it tracks all your travel activities. If you wish to turn off your location history in Google Maps then this article is for you. Let us learn how to turn off your location history on Google Maps.


How to Turn Off Location History on Google Maps ( Android )

Step 1: Open the Google Maps app on your Android smartphone

how to turn off location history in google maps

Step 2: Click on the profile picture that you see just on the right side of the search bar

how to turn off location history in google maps

Step 3: Click on the Settings option on the popup window

how to turn off location history in google maps

Step 4: After that click on the personal content option.

how to turn off location history in Google Maps


Step 5: Look for an option ‘location history is on‘ double click on this option and it will take you to the activity controls page

Step 6: Toggle that button and it will turn off your location history

how to turn off location history on google maps

Step 7: Click on the pause button that you see in the bottom right corner.


So these were the steps to turn off location history on Google Maps. If you wish to delete your location history you can do that too. We will be covering an article on the same in an upcoming post. Hope you found the article useful. Don’t forget to subscribe to our web push notifications and if you have any doubts you can ask us in the comment section below.

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