Large Number of Websites Down due to Cloudflare Outage


Cloudflare is a content Delivery network (CDN) that hosts a large number of websites. Cloudflare also provides SSL services to many websites. We ourself use SSL service for Cloudflare for some of our websites. All of a sudden millions of websites went down due to an issue at Cloudflare’s end.

The websites showed 500 Internal Server error. The 500 error code is a general message that pops up when something unexpected happened at the web server end and the server can’t offer more specific information. You will not be able to access the webpage you are looking for.

Some popular websites like Discord, Canva, NordVPN, and more.faced downtime.

Also Check: Cloudflare Outage Issue Resulted in Downtime for Millions of Websites


Cloudflare Tweeted about the issue. It said that they are working on the issue and soon they tweeted that the issue has now been resolved. The websites started getting live again after the issue got resolved.



Though it was not clear what exactly went wrong it is believed that the Sites API and CDN got some issues. Ecommerce website Amazon and social media site Facebook also face similar issues. They also went down for some time Zerodha, Upstox, Buffer, etc were also down.

Users were worried because of the outage. We are in a digital age and imagine how a small error caused such a major halt in the digital industry.

Discord also faced this issue and as soon as the issue got resolved the Discord website went live again. You too must have faced some issue in your digital assets if you are using the Cloudflare services for your website.

So, this was all about the Cloudflare outage and Internet downtime issue. If you have any queries, feel free to ask through the comments section below. Stay tuned to TechAdvises for more such tech news and updates. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Web push notifications to stay updated with our latest articles.

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