Facing High Bounce Rate? How To Reduce the Bounce Rate of Your Blog



Bounce Rate is considered as one of the important factor for ranking. Most of you must not be aware of the bounce rate of a blog if you are a newbie blogger. It is very important to keep your blog’s bounce rate under control. Before understanding how to reduce bounce rate for your blog let us understand the bounce rate in detail.


What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that are landing on a webpage and leaving it without taking any specific actions like clicking on your ads, filling up forms, or leaving your blog page without bringing any kind of conversion. The main aim of writing a blog post is conversion. We all want our readers to bring conversions for us. The conversions may vary from blog to blog depending upon the type of monetization programmes you are using for your blog/website.


A good bounce rate means higher chances of conversions. A high bounce rate will reduce the chance of conversions which means less monetization from the visits on your blog or website. You should maintain a good bounce rate. Now, one question must be popping up in your mind. What is an ideal bounce rate? Right? Well, I have an answer for the same.

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Well, the answer to it depends on the niche you are in. Ecommerce websites may have different bounce rates as compared to blogs. An ideal bounce rate for a blog is somewhere between 30 to 50%.

80%+  bounce rate is very poor
70 – 80% can be called as poor
50 – 70% comes under average
30 – 50% is undoubtedly excellent

If your bounce rate is lesser than 15% or something then you must have added the bounce rate twice. It may also happen due to some errors in tracking.


Now you must be wondering how to check your bounce rate….Right?



How To Check the Bounce Rate of Your Blog / Website

There are 2 ways by which you can check the bounce rate for your blog/ website.

Method 1: You can use the MonsterInsights plugin to check all the stats for your blog or website. With Monsterinsights you can check the stats of your blog. It will show you the traffic on your blog and yes, the bounce rate too.


Method 2: You can directly use Google analytics to check the bounce rate for your blog. Google analytics is free to use and helps you to analyze the growth of your blog. Keep a check on the bounce rate according to the time range.


Factors Affecting Bounce Rate of a Blog

There are various factors that may affect the bounce rate of a blog. The bounce rate may be affected by the following reasons


Low Quality Content

Low quality is always the culprit behind poor ranking and other metrics. A low quality content will never be loved by your readers. You may use black hat techniques and rank it for a few days but with the passage of time your content will move down in the SERPs. Google has become very smart nowadays. Just imagine you search for a query and you land on a page that has poor content with a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Will you take the content seriously, obviously no one will. A low quality content may increase the chance of visitors landing and returning back quickly.


Lack of Relevance 

Lack of relevance can be a big turn off for incoming visitors. When someone is landing on your page, he/she must be looking for the relevant answer to the query. If your content is quite diverted from the main topic, then it is something that you need to change. Don’t trick your readers by using catchy titles without giving value in the main content body.


Bad Design of Blog

A bad design may turn off your visitors and put a negative impact on them. People love sites that have a good design and content is present in a well structured manner.


Poor Navigation

When someone lands on your blog pages they must be able to read the content easily and should be able to navigate easily. There are many sites that put a lot of elements on a single page: multiple widgets, too many ads and popups. This may lead to a high bounce rate. Maintain a good navigation structure for your blog.


Site Speed


How to reduce the bounce rate of your blog

Website loading speed matters a lot. Site speed is considered as one of the ranking factors. A slow loading webpage may irritate the visitor and he may press the back button. You can use tools like GTmetrix and Google Page Speed insights to check the speed of your blog.



How To Reduce the Bounce Rate of Your Blog

Let us check the ways to reduce bounce rate for your blog or website.


1. Create High Quality Content 

Content is always the king. Make sure that you provide high quality content to your readers. If your content is of high quality then you will not face the issue of very high bounce rate. A visitor bounces back when it does not like the content shared on the page he opened through Google search or any other search engine. The query of the visitor should be answered by your blog post. The user intent for which he/she came to your page, should be fulfilled.


2. Embed Videos in Your Content

Videos have replaced most of the content and have changed the way people look for their queries. You can embed videos in your content. This will increase the visitor’s time on that page and will reduce the bounce rate. Videos catch the attention easily and the combination of a high quality content with supporting video is unmatchable. You can create a youtube channel with your blog name and can make tutorials, how to’s and other videos. Embed the videos in relevant content and you will definitely observe an improvement in your bounce rate.

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3. Make Internal Links

Internal linking is very necessary in terms of SEO. It helps to improve the metrics of your blog. You can add related posts in your content so that users spend more time on your blog. You can add internal links in paragraphs or add them separately in relevant anchor text. Internal links will help you to reduce the bounce rate of your blog.


4. Add High Quality Images

A post with no image can be boring for many readers. Add high-quality images in your content so that it looks more appealing. Images also help to understand the flow of the content. It also catches the attention of your readers and increases the chances of visitors reading your complete blog post.


5, Optimize Your Call To Action Properly

You may be placing your CTA stuff on the wrong place. You should check how other successful brands and bloggers are positioning it. After all the main motto is to bring a sale, an ad click, subscription etc.


Thanks for Reading  🙂 


So, I hope that you have understood how to reduce the bounce rate of your blog. This was Deepak Kumar here. Hope you liked post. Stay connected to Techadvises for more such free blogging tips. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletters if you don’t want to miss any blogging tip or update.




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